My poor poor neglected blog! It seems I started out with good itentions but 'stuff' always seemed to get in the way and I never set aside a specific time to blog - until NOW!
I attended the #NPC2011 yesterday. It was great to catch up with people from library school and from when I was a graduate trainee. It was, of course, also great to meet new people and learn lots of exciting things. One of which was how we should embrace our career deveopment and how it is up to us to make the most of what we've got.
Hence the reason why I'm here. The past 12 months has been crazy. I've moved back home (scary), started a new job (even scarier), finished my MA dissertation (no mean feat), and a lot more besides but I've never really sat back and thought about what I've done and how it has helped/hindered my professional development.
Helen's presentation really hit home how I need to embrace CPD, maybe even go as far as mentioning the scary 'chartership' word and learn the skills which will make me (more) useful. I'm really looking forward to taking part in CPD23 and hope to learn lots of things I didn't know before and to learn new stuff about things I do know a little about.
I'm going to 'try' and slot in other blog posts inbetween posts about CPD23 in an attampt to make blogging a regular thing in my life, I just hope the dredded 'stuff' doesn't crop up again!
See you for Thing 2 :)